Save Stepping Hill Hospital
Urgent repairs are needed for Stepping Hill Hospital, with buildings being condemned, corridors flooded, and light fittings falling out of ceilings.
Sign our petition to tell the Department of Health to fund the critical repairs that are needed today, and a long-term plan for tomorrow.
With an estimated £130 million backlog of repairs, we need urgent funding today, and a long-term development plan for a new, additional site in the centre of Stockport, located near the transport interchange.

Scrap Labour's Winter Fuel Cuts

Save Gatley Golf Club Green Space
Stockport Council have received an outline planning application to build 300 'dwellings' on the Gatley Golf Club green space.
Tom Morrison, the Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Candidate for Cheadle, opposes this planning application. He wants to ensure valued green spaces like the golf club are protected.
Tom said: "Our local green spaces are vital for the future of our communities and must be protected for future generations."
Join Tom in saving Gatley Golf Club from being developed on.

Stop sewage dumping in Cheadle's rivers
In 2021 a total of 654 different sewage spills were recorded in the brooks and rivers across Cheadle constituency.
Sewage was pumped into them for a total of 3,292 hours, the equivalent of 137 days.
Tom Morrison and the Liberal Democrats are calling on United Utilities to take measures to end this outrageous practice.