Tom Morrison MP writes to Redrow to represent resident complaints
MP for Cheadle, Tom Morrison, has written to Redrow PLC to put forward Woodford Garden Village residents complaints and request an urgent meeting.
MP for Cheadle, Tom Morrison, has written to Redrow PLC to put forward Woodford Garden Village residents complaints and request an urgent meeting.
A statement from Tom Morrison, MP for Cheadle, on the 1st Anniversary of the Oct 7th Attacks
Local MP for Cheadle, Tom Morrison, has responded to the NPPF Planning Consultation, calling for a national target for social housing, pushing for a 'brownfield-first' policy and fighting for community led planning decisions.
Bramhall Councillor, Ian Powney to step down from the Council on health grounds
Tom Morrison MP has resigned as one of the local councillors for Cheadle West & Gatley.
Many residents have contacted me about the incident that took place at Manchester airport yesterday.